“Life changers, movers , shakers and game changers don’t fit it or conform to anything. They dare to be unique to stay distinct.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Winners are conquerors; they conquered mediocrity, hopelessness, probabilities, being losers and being last.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“No child should be limited by their economic background to access quality education and realize their potential.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“To achieve extra-ordinary results you must embrace change all the times.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“My skies are limitless and infinite; so I can be anything I want to be.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Success is when ordinary becomes extra-ordinary.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Reaching and going beyond potential is about stepping out of your comfort zone and your ordinary to explore extra-ordinary space.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“For anyone to achieve, succeed and win; they first have to overcome and conquer.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
"Extra-mile space is filled with innovators, movers, shakers, leaders, game and life changers,inventors,shape shifters and extra-ordinary people."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Every day I wake up to the world full of infinite opportunities and possibilities.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“One is never too young or too old to realize their full potential."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“On your way to greatness you are guaranteed to fail; that is life for you it has no guarantees. What you do with your failure is what will take you to greatness.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“In this tough and competitive life one has to be innovative and creative to stay relevant and unique.†Thab’sile Ledwaba
Thabisile Ledwaba
“No matter how tough it gets giving up is not an option. Keep soldiering on.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“To succeed you will have to go through some heart breaking setbacks that when you are not tough enough you will end up quitting.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“I refuse to be limited and defined by my height, weight, skin colour, hair texture, circumstances and where I come from.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“The odds of winning and succeeding on something that you are less excited and enthusiastic about are very low to almost impossible.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
"Dare to find a small picture where others see a small picture or none."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“If it doesn’t motivate you; quit it.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“If you have inability to start you will never know just how much potential you have.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Dreams are successes waiting to happen so wake up and action them.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
"To curb Procrastination in youth; selfless individuals and corporate sector must pay it forward to secure the brighter future for generations to come."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Life doesn’t owe you a thing; you owe it to yourself to make a success of it.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“If you can dream it; you can definitely live it.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
With the right attitude, will and mindset winning happens on it's own.
Thabisile Ledwaba
"The power is in your hands to be anything you want to become."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“The distance between your dreams, aspirations and success is your action or non-action.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
"Don’t listen to those who say you can’t do it simply because they have failed at it. We don’t have same capabilities and potential."
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Diversity brings about multi-dimensional lock to unlock those invisible, inaccessible and limited opportunities.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“With the right attitude and mind set one can soar to the greatest heights.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Winning mind and attitude starts with self-belief.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
Stay original and true to yourself because you can only give the best of you when you are you and not someone else.
Thabisile Ledwaba
“Being born poor doesn’t mean one is condemned to a life of poverty. It means you learn to rise above and conquer tough life at a young age so that when you are older you just easily navigate through any turbulence or storm.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“I don’t believe there is a limit to greatness because I believe in limitless life.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba
“To be futuristic one has to be able to think and plan ahead.â€
Thabisile Ledwaba